I was awakened at 3:00am by my phone ringing. I knew exactly who it was, and I was excited! At nearly 42 weeks, I’m sure Jamie & friends were beginning to think she has the gestation of an elephant. 🙂 I was pretty sure the baby would come sometime this weekend, but I’m glad for Jamie’s sake that he came today and not Sunday night!
Big brother and Grandma watch the action in the pool. Brother woke up around 4:00am and didn’t go back to sleep! He was in & out of the room, but he was able to be right there to great his new little brother.
5:22am Being in the warm water helped Jamie relax & progress rather quickly.
6:09am After pushing in the birth pool for a while, Jamie needed a change of position & surroundings, so we moved to her bedroom. She looks so peaceful right here, you wouldn’t expect her to push the baby out in the next few minutes! But that’s exactly what happened!!
6:14 am – Holding her new little boy. After having a cesarean with her first son, birthing this baby was a new experience for Jamie. When the baby was out, Jamie was so elated and kept saying “I did it! I DID IT!! I can’t believe I did it!” Jamie was incredible.
This little boy is not so little! He weighs 10 pounds, is 22 inches long, and has a 15 inch head circumference.
Welcome to the family!
While she labored, Jamie was supported & loved by her husband, her mother, doula Naomi O’Callaghan, midwife Margie Dacko, and photographer Jessica Benson.
4:17am Waiting for the birth pool to get filled. 4:41am The warm water feels sooooo good to Jamie.

Baby with Grandma, and Baby with Dad.

I LOVE the picture of Jamie holding her baby for the first time! I love her look, she has amazement, love and joy written all over her face. Good job, Jamie!
Jamie is a good friend of mine & I am so proud of her!! From the moment she decided to do this she committed to it with courage & conviction and with the support of her husband, family & friends!! Way to go, Jamie!! We are so proud of you & so happy for all of you!! He's beautiful & you're a champ!! The pictures were just beautiful, too!
Luv u, Krysten
jessica the pictures are amazing as usual! and way to go mama!!! he's adorable 🙂
I love these photo sessions. What a great idea.
Wow. Thank you for sharing your experience and happy moment with us.
Your photographer did a fabulous job taking tastefulness pictures.
I would love to have pictures like that at my next birth.
wow jess i can really see your passion here..