April & Jaret met in their hometown in California, dated for a good long time, and have been married for two years. Up until last week, it was just the two of them. Early Friday morning, they welcomed Olivia into their arms and they became a family!
At 38 weeks, April’s doctor recommended an induction so off to the hospital they went.

April & Jaret are comic book fans and a few friends joined them for the early stages of labor, bringing with them some light reading material. 🙂

6:51pm Catching a nap before the long night!

8:03pm Waiting… waiting…. April is dilated to 4 cm.

There was a LOT of hand-holding going on! And it was sooo cute. I love hands. There are very symbolic to me in many ways. Hands give support and help and love. Hands are strong and soft and gentle and caring.

10:13pm Watching the monitors.

April labored quite well, until her doctor broke her water. This combined with the effects of the pitocin soon made contractions unbearable. She was dilated to 5 or 6 cm. We were asked to leave the room when she received her epidural. Afterwards, we all welcomed the chance to get a rest. April had been wanting a nap (and a snack, which she didn’t get) all day!
4:16am Jaret and his mom in the wee hours of the morning.
Jaret just minutes before and minutes after the birth of his daughter.
See? Hands. I love them.

I realize there are a lot of pictures of Jaret on this post. Yes, April was there, too!! As strong as April was on her own, Jaret was there to support her even more. He had so much concern for her, constantly watching the monitors, spooning her ice chips, stroking her neck, swaying with her, telling things that he knows would make her laugh – she said he was “flirting” with her! So super cute! I think the image of Jaret in the hallway says it all – the love and concern for his wife and child is just overwhelming. So while I didn’t intend for this to be a post about Jaret and how great supportive husbands and fathers are… it is. Thanks Jaret!
What a gorgeous new mama!
Jaret just told his grandmother that Olivia’s middle name is after his late grandfather.
Welcome Olivia!
St. Rose San Martin Hospital
Dr. Keita Sakon
Lamaze class Well Rounded Momma
Doula & Birth Photography Jessica B Photography
Oh my word. Thank you so much for that beautiful birth story I love it. Tears came to my eyes your the best thank you Jessica
I can't explain how much I loved getting to look at these pictures and read your comments! Since I'm currently on the other side of the globe I didn't get to share this day with them, so it was really nice to see your beautiful pictures.