I was awakened Saturday morning by a phone call that said Jen’s water just broke. I responded with “She needs to either have this baby fast or she has to wait until after 10:00 tonight.” I had a wedding scheduled for most of the day yesterday!! Jen was kind enough to wait for me. With irregular contractions throughout the day, her labor finally strengthened late that night. Just in time for me to leave the wedding, grab a bite to eat and a change of clothes, and head to Jen’s house.

I love this shot. Towards the end of the labor, Jen was getting tense with the stronger contractions. She seemed to be most relaxed when Dave was stroking her back, so when he came and sat by her like this, it was smooth sailing from there. I love it. The baby was born shortly after this picture was taken.

Baby Boy born Sunday, October 11th at 1:23am. He’s 7 lbs 4 oz and 20.5 inches.

Jen was attended by midwife Margie Dacko and supported by her husband, mother-in-law, sister-in-law, and friend.

These images were all shot without a flash at ISO 6400 with an aperture of f/2.8 or f/1.8. Due to the low light and high ISO, pictures may be grainy or noisy, but hey, that’s the nature of the game.