SHA-ZAAAAMMM! Is Heather gorgeous or what???? (Fernando is working it too…)

So, I live in one of the best towns in the world. History & character + super nice people (ok, most of them) = Boulder City. I’ve got a great story for you: In January, I left a note on this truck parked in front of an empty house on my street. The truck’s bed was full of leaves from the yard. My note was asking for the leaves to compost into my garden. The man happily gave up his truck full of leaves. Fast forward to September. I’ve past by this house a million times and always have thought it was so cute. Cute porch, cute backyard, cute everything. Then, work was being done on the house – sanding of the exterior brick and other such things. I thought “I need to use that house in it’s raw state, before it gets painted or even stuccoed!!!” And so, I did some detective work and discovered the owner of the house with the cute porch is also the owner of the house with the leaves!!! And of course, the owners are so nice that they agreed to my crazy requests again!!! Beautiful. Don’t I have the best neighbors?? I really really like this one…

Another one of my favorite shots…