A few months ago, I received an email inquiry for birth photography & doula services from a friend of a friend. We chatted a bit through the emails, but because it was right before Thanksgiving, we never got a chance to meet up before things got crazy for the holidays. She didn’t reply until a few weeks later. She explained her son had been born still shortly after our last email. She was writing to me close to what had been her due date. So, instead of anticipating birth or holding a newborn, she was emailing me about the loss of her son so that she “wouldn’t leave me hanging”, as she said. Oh, how my heart broke for her!

About two weeks ago, I received word that the daughter-in-law of a good friend and client had delivered a stillborn. At 39 weeks. Again, my heart broke. Luckily, the daughter-in-law did have a photographer friend with her at the hospital, so she does have some pictures of her baby. I offered to photograph the funeral service.

What a sweet morning it was! It was beautiful spring Sunday morning. The messages were thoughtful and touching. I’m not going to lie though, it was a hard day. It was a true day of mourning. I’m not even going to share with you some of the most touching photos of the day, because I feel like they are too personal.

The couple’s siblings sang the hymn Be Still My Soul as a special musical number.  “Be still, my soul: The Lord is on thy side; With patience bear thy cross of grief or pain”


Mother’s Day is fast approaching.  As I edited these photos I thought about these two mamas of stillborns on their first Mother’s Day.  That same day as I edited was a funeral for a woman who had passed away unexepectedly who was (is) the mother of my friend.  My friend will be celebrating her first Mother’s Day without her mother this year.  And I thought of Petite Peanut Boutique’s Joy who lost her young son earlier this year.  And many many others who have lost someone, who may feel a pain instead of a joy this Mother’s Day.  LOOK AROUND YOU.  Give someone a hug and tell them you care.  Each of us has a burden of some form or another.  Try to lift each others burdens and yours will feel lighter too.  A very Happy Mother’s Day to you all.

As a side note, if you ever find yourself or someone you know in the situation of having a stillborn or a baby with a condition that won’t live long, please feel free to call me.