This awesome mama has always been a swimmer. On the water polo team in high school, worked as a lifeguard, swim for exercise as an adult, Lara has always enjoyed swimming. When she said “I want to do some pictures of me swimming,” I said YES!!! Now, I think I know what most of you are thinking. I know you think photos of you in your swimsuit is something you never want to do. That’s ok, I’ll admit it doesn’t sound super fun for me either… BUT if I were doing something I loved – like waterskiing – I’d totally be ok with photos of me in a swimsuit if I were waterskiing. You know, we are the size and shape that we are. Some things we can’t change, like the size of our feet (I don’t know, is there a surgery for that??), and some things we can, but maybe we’re just not quite there yet, and that’s ok. We are who we are, and I hope you all are happy and proud of who you are and happy and proud of your accomplishments. Lara came to me and essentially said “I want photos of myself doing something I love, something that I’m good at and something that makes me happy.” How could I say no to that? This makes me so happy, this is what I always want to do when I photograph. I hope my photos of you always help you love yourself more. Everyone has something they love, something that makes them. Let it shine!
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