No, not the baby… I just put her on here so you could have something cute to look at.

WIN: A half hour mini-session in Boulder City. Good for an individual up to an immediate family. Includes a disc of of your best 10 or so images. Book your mini-session before Thanksgiving!
WHO: Well Logic would say this give-away is open to people who are willing to travel to Boulder City, BUT I think I can make some concessions for people who live in Utah, since I will be travelling there this year. Go ahead, Utah friends, WIN THIS!
HOW: Lots of ways. Became a Facebook Fan. Post about the give-away on Facebook including a link. Post about it on your blog and include a link. You can even tweet about it if you want! Get an entry for each time, and another one for leaving a comment here. Tell me how many entries you get AND tell me what your favorite scary movie is!
WHEN: Contest ends Friday, Oct 15 at midnight PST. Winner will be determined by (The winner of my last contest maxed out her entry options!! It paid off!!)
WHY: Because I’m in a giving mood. Just for fun. And I’d want to win a portrait session right before Christmas. I totally need a family shot for my Christmas cards!
Boo Haaaaa!! Because I take scary pictures, I need help and you are just the one to make me photogenic.
I have so many scary movies I love, however one of the best is a really old Black & White called The Uninvited.
I'm a facebook fan, I posted on facebook, I posted on my blog and tweeted about ti. 🙂 Wahoo. Funny story. My favorite scary movie growing up was watcher in the woods. So bryce and i rented it. TERRIBLE PG DISNEY scary movie. It was comical how funny it was. But it's still my favorite. So that gives me. 5 entries 🙂
Love your photography, Jessica, and your darling baby. I will post on Facebook and try to figure out how to become a fan. I don't really have a favorite scary movie although I do remember watching a Disney one but can't remember the name of it. 🙁 Thanks for hopefully three entries in your contest.
Cortney, Watcher in the Woods was my favorite as a kid too!!! Oh, we thought it was sooooo scary!!! It is suspenseful anyways, in a nice PG Disney '80s movie! 🙂 Good luck ladies! Way to rack up those entries!!!
YAY! I REALLY need a photo session! I am a facebook fan and posted on facebook as well as my blog. Hmm… I dont like really scary movies (cant sleep for days) but I guess if I had to choose my favorite (scariest) it would be the RING. I hope that give me 4 entries? 😉 Thanks!
I'm a facebook fan I shared with my friends and I'll comment =) Jessica you are a AWESOME photographer I am getting so many compliments on my annoucements you designed!!! Even though we have 2 more sessions with you boy would I love a 3rd!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh yea and my favorite scary movie is…NONE of them they scare me so much I can't sleep for days…Michael made me watch paranormal activity and I sill freak myself out at nights…I value sleep and those darn movies don't allow me too!!!!
I wanna win!!!! I would love a photo session with you for our new baby boy! I posted on my blog, I'm already a fan on facebook…I posted a link to your site on my facebook as well…so I guess that's 4 entries right? 🙂 I don't think I have a favorite scary movie, but I guess the first one I ever bought was "The Secret Window" with Johnny Depp…so I'll go with that! I hope I win!! I love your work!
Jess, You are awesome! I'd be happy to link over from blogger!!! I hope I win!!!
That would be so incredible to win a session! I am a fan on FB, put a link on FB, am commenting :). Scary movie: Sixth Sense! I HATE scary movies and didn't sleep for two weeks after seeing it! Needless to say, I'm a wimp and never watch scary movies. I think that's 3 or 4 entries right? I know that my mom just won, so if that disqualifies me I understand! 🙂 I would love to see you when you're up in Utah regardless!
Im a fb fan, posted a link, post on my blog. As for scary movie, I really have not watched any since high school, and that was Nightmare on Elm Street. Things like the Sixth Sense freak me out now. I guess that is a total of 4 entries.
I love your work!
Hi! Cute photo. Wish my girls were babies and I could get something like that! :o)
I liked you on facebook (gee, a typo and that could get inappropriate – LOL). And a scary movie? I don't have one. I don't do scary movies. LOL. How can you like a scary movie?
Jessica I'm posting and posting away!! I hope it works 😉 P.S.People are GUSHING over my annoucements!!
I am a facebook fan! And leaving a comment makes 2 entries 🙂 And the only "scary" movies I like are the Jurassic Park movies, lol. I really don't like creepy scary movies, blegch!
I think its time for new Corbett family photos! The last ones were such a huge hit! LETS DO THIS!!! Oh, and I hate scary movies! But if I had to pick one, I would say I was the MOST scared watching the first Scream movie. LOL
Hi Jessica! I've been looking for a photographer for a while and I like your style! I hope I win, but if not I'll be contacting you soon anyways! 🙂 I just had a baby and would like to get some new family pictures done before she gets to old (shes just one week) Thanks so much!
Pretty sure I'm your biggest Utah fan! I'm a facebook fan and my favorite scary movie is Disturbia (not that scary, I know).
So…I am a fan on facebook…and my favorite scary movie is?!?!?! The Shining…I'm pretty sure I might have screamed out loud at one point!
Okay, I posted on my blog and facebook. 🙂 My favorite scarey movie would probably have to be Watcher in the Woods. I haven't seen it in a million years but it use to scare the tar out of me when I was younger.
Okay, I Tweeted about it too! 🙂