My husband played football in high school. I went to a total of two football games my entire high school career. I think I was severely lacking in school spirit. Or friends who played football.

Fast forward thirteen years to last October. My alma mater was playing my small town for their Homecoming game (why I’m not really sure, since they’re in different leagues!) Homecoming (and I think the football games in general) is a big night around here. It seems like the entire town comes out for the game. And so we went. That’s good date night planning on my part! Football = happy hubby.

We watched, we cheered, we chatted with friends, we rooted for the home team of course! Then two guys sack one of our players at the same time. He’s down… for a long time. The stadium grows quiet. The coaches come on the field, the paramedics, and the parents. It turns out, my alma mater has broken my cousin’s leg.

After many doctor visits, surgery, crutches, and a missed Homecoming dance (his date watched a movie with him – what a good girl!), Sean’s leg is now healed, but the doctors and his coaches still want him to take it easy. As the captain of the basketball team, he’s sat the bench the entire season. Until last week.

The last home game is “Seniors Night”. Sean was allowed to start the game. Although he was only in play a short time, he played, leg and all! Rock on Sean!

Sean is on the right.

BTW I am having soooooo much fun doing these sports sessions!!!