It’s time to be getting those cards out in the mail!!! The Season is definitely upon us. I moved my pumpkins from off my front porch and have been playing classical Christmas music in the house. Shopping has hardly even started, but that’s alright. I’m looking forward to enjoying this time of year with lots of opportunities to get together with family & friends (and most importantly, husband & kiddos) and really just enjoy those relationships. And white elephant gifts.
Brittany & Adam celebrate both Christmas and Hannukah, which I think is so fun. Marriage is about sharing and supporting each other, and Brittany & Adam are a great example of that. Brittany wanted “something formal” for their holiday cards, so we started with “formal” and progressed from there 🙂
Adam says his mom put him in piano lessons when he was growing up, but he hasn’t played in so long, now he can’t play a thing! He looks like he’s still got it though!
Isn’t Brittany gorgeous?
Sigh. Just lovely.
Happy Hannukah and Merry Christmas!!!
hey Jessica! great pics. i love the style. super fun. Can’t wait to see our family pictures and how they turned out! 🙂