One 25 year old apricot tree. One king size bedsheet. One awesome husband shaking the fruit from the branches. Three munchkins getting distracted while trying to help their mom catch the fruit with the bedsheet. Getting hit in the head by falling apricots. And then…. the sprinklers come on! The kids cried and we hustled to finish up our harvesting.


I had a house full of apricots… and I was washing and pitting and pureeing and cooking and processing for days and days and days….

Grand total: 64 pints of apricot syrup. 64 pints! (That’s 8 GALLONS by the way) (This may not sound like much to a seasoned fruit preserver, but for me that’s a lot!)

I’m ready for a break from the kitchen. I need a few more square feet in there… Like a couple hunderd extra…