Ever have one of those moments? Maybe it was when you knew you wanted to marry your spouse, or your wedding day, or the day your child was born. This family is at yet another milestone. This may just be the last time it is just the five of them. The oldest is beginning his two-year service as a missionary for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. By the time he gets back, his brother may be out on his mission, and then maybe the first will be getting married, and then there will be grandbabies on the way, and then… life will never be the same.

This one of the family laughing is probably my favorite. This family laughs all the time. They have great relationships with each other.

By the way, not only is this a super fun family, Bill is a fantastic DJ. If you ever need a DJ for a wedding or some other party or dance, make sure you call Bill and your dance floor will be filled and the party will be non-stop!! Yes, he’s THAT good.

Rock that mission, Austin! Return with Honor!