Mia has been performing nearly her entire life. She started with dancing then transitioned to musical theater a few years ago. She has quite the resume already and has a dream of working for Disney. Mia decided to switch high schools her senior year to attend a brand new high school. she was elected to be President of the Madrigals and was cast in each of the three plays the high school put on this year. Part of what convinced Mia to switch schools was the opportunity to work with the fabulous Kelly DeHaan as the school’s choir director. Luckily, he was in his office when we came to the school for photos and Mr. DeHaan was kind enough to accompany Mia, because as Mia’s mom explained to him “Jess likes action shots” <3 Thanks Mr. DeHaan! And congratulations Mia!!

mountain ridge senior portraits
The song Mr. DeHaan picked to play was “The Life I Never Led” from Sister Act.  It was beautifully touching as this was the year of things we didn’t get to do.  Mia has an amazing voice and brought tears to all in the room.